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第 四十 期 2006/12/30 [回上頁]

美國太陽能電池技術突破 光電轉換效率號稱40.7%

本資料轉載資料來源: http://www.eettaiwan.com/ART_8800445543_480702_8d285049200612.HTM

美國能源部(the Department of Energy)宣佈了一項太陽能電池的技術突破,並寄望藉此提升太陽能價格競爭力並減少對石油能源的依賴──由該部門資助的業者Boeing-Spectrolab,已研發了光電轉換效率達40.7%的新型太陽能電池。

Boeing-Spectrolab的總裁David Lillington宣稱,該公司產品達到的光電轉換效率是其他光電設備不曾達到的水準,而且其成果已經通過美國能源部的國家再生能源實驗室(National Renewable Energy Laboratory)認證。目前市面上的太陽能電池光電轉換效率大概在12%~18%之間,有少部分人造衛星使用的太陽能電池則可達到28% 。

(參考原文:Solar cell breakthrough claimed)

(Thomas Claburn)

Solar cell breakthrough claimed

Thomas Claburn

(12/06/2006 2:00 H EST)

A breakthrough in solar cell technology promises to make solar power a cost-competitive energy option and to reduce U.S. dependence on oil.

With funding from the Department of Energy, Boeing-Spectrolab has managed to create a solar cell with 40.7% sunlight-to-energy conversion efficiency, said DoE assistant secretary for energy efficiency and renewable energy Alexander Karsner on Tuesday.

The solar cell represents "the highest efficiency level any photovoltaic device has ever achieved," according to David Lillington, president of Spectrolab. That claim has been verified by the DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colo.

Most of today's solar cells are between 12% and 18% efficient. Some of the ones used to power satellites are around 28% efficient. In 1954, 4% efficiency was state of the art.

High energy prices and environmental concerns are prompting businesses to consider solar power. In October, Google said it planned to install 9,200 solar photovoltaic panels at its Mountain View headquarters in 2007. Google's solar panels, made by Sharp, are 12.8% efficient. It expects to generate 30% of its peak energy usage during the summer from solar power.



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